Sunday 8 November 2009

bonfire night and party....

the fireworks set off with a fantastic bang.... alongside with some classical music.... and BAM.... everyone feels as thought they are in a Disney movie... i felt as though i was 8 again.... its my favourite season to celebrate... dont have to buy presents for people.... you dont have to be nice to people just because they are part of your family ... nor do you have to contend with any drunken member of your family givin you what for because youve not got them another beer from the fridge yet.... nope bonfire night to me is like a kid on a playground.... PLAYTIME... setting things on fire.... legally.... and funny bright shiny lights shoot out of them...and make pretty loud squeals going round and round.... or you get the biggest firework in the box and you light it and run and all it is is 1 fire sourer so by the time you have got to your point of safety the firework has already fizzled out... but still its only the fire works that tend to disappoint and nothing else... hot chilli on the stove with homemade bread to warm up your cockles...and u huge bonfire in the midst of the garden.... i make it sound so far away.... it was probably 2ft away.... people will have left smelling of burnt wood chip tables...

Sunday 1 November 2009

simple outlined shot

photoshop addict...

i have just had an epiphany, and suddenly all i want to do is play on photoshop all the time, i want more photoshoots to style. im amazed. well the date didnt happen, he just didnt seem to get in touch... oh well i must have bored him.... lol...but either way i have had a fun day at my friend rich's house and played on photoshop... he made me toad in the hole to cheer me up because ive been ill past few days... im sure il get over it soon, hopefully... i was thinking i may need rehab for this addiction...:S... but plenty more pictures to come...:)