Thursday 4 March 2010

funky tins....

these tins are simple. most likely used in the 60's when the teddy boys where around. the boys trying to look cool in their gangs.....

British Cigarette tin

Bold. British. Boring. this tin looks boring and too simple. the only thing thats nice about it is that it has red in it.


this tin has character. funky, foreign and my favourite so far..... it look like it should be in an American western film.... where the cowboys are sat smoking there cigars and chewing their tabacco...... yeehaa

old fashioned tin

i liked the look of this tin. it looks authentic, old and antique. similar to the 1 that we have.

objet trouve

for this project our group has been given a cigarette tin that holds cigarettes and have to incorporate this object into our shoot. firstly i looked at other cigarette tins to get a feel for what others looks like and how they are used.